Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird [Journal told from Scout's perspective]

Dear Journal,

It is my first day of school, and I really have been looking forward to this day. However, before the first morning was over, Miss Caroline slapped my palm with a ruler, and made me stand in the corner of the room all morning. How could she? What did I even do wrong..? After that, she made me read out My First Reader. She asked me to tell Atticus that he should stop teaching me literacy, but Atticus didn't even have time to teach me! Jem said its just her new way of teaching. Well, I better get back to class. School is getting so miserable.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Metaphors of Life

Sorry Ms. Hancock.
You were the light of the grade 7 class,
But I didn't know high school was your last.
Sorry I didn't try to save you,
I know teenagers can be really hurtful.
You told me,
how marvelous metaphors are.
I would write everywhere,
Why would you just waste your life and knowledge,
because you were getting shunned..?
Sorry I had peer pressure,
I couldn't help you out in class.
You collapsed my dreams of literature and metaphors.
You can't mend by broken heart.